Samaritans Purse – Operation Christmas Child
A unique project of Christian relief and evangelism. Fill an empty shoebox with small gifts to be delivered to needy children around the world at Christmas. Brochures with detailed information are available at the church in October, boxes to be turned in the first week in November.
Parish Nurse
The role of the Parish Nurse is a health educator, liaison resource and to assist (encourage) the members of the congregation and community to become active partners to improve their health.
Habitat for Humanity
2005 Jimmy Carter Work Project
Benton Harbor/Detroit, Michigan.
Members from our congregation participated with over 1,200 volunteers and financial partners to build 33 homes in Michigan in a single week!
The N.O.A.H. Project
During the month of May, our church family made, wrapped and delivered over 300 sandwiches to the Central United Methodist Church bag lunch program in downtown Detroit, where
they are distributed
to our homeless population.
Volunteers walk once a year soliciting donations to support this ministry of Church World Service.